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Video stories, Easy English guides and evidence-based articles are part of a new suite of resources developed to empower parents with intellectual disability to do a great job raising their children.

Video stories, Easy English guides and evidence-based articles are part of a new suite of resources developed by the Raising Children Network to empower parents with intellectual disability to do a great job raising their children.

The resources include a set of 10 Easy English guides, which are downloadable booklets designed for people who have difficulty reading English. The booklets, written in accessible language and using picture communication symbols, cover topics including where parents and carers with disability can get help and how to get an NDIS plan for your child. There are also 3 video interviews with parents with disability who talk about their experiences using the NDIS and the supports they have accessed.

Raising Children Network developed the resources in partnership with parents and disability professionals from Scope to make sure they are useful and relevant to Australian families.

Raising Children Network Senior Program Manager Dr Naomi Hackworth said that parents with an intellectual disability can do a great job of helping their children develop and grow when they have the right support to help them learn the skills they need.

Dr Hackworth said that videos and Easy English guides enabled parents with different learning styles and literacy levels to gain a better understanding of the supports available to them.

“These resources have been developed with the aim of increasing the knowledge and skills of parents with diverse abilities to use the NDIS, they could also benefit parents with limited English skills,” Dr Hackworth said.

The resources are part of a suite of 50 evidence-based and inclusive articles and videos aimed at giving parents and carers easy access to trusted, quality information about how to access the NDIS scheme to assist children in their care.

The suite of NDIS articles was funded through the National Disability Insurance Agency and Australian Government Department of Social Service’s NDIS Information Linkages and Capacity Building project, which aims to build the knowledge, skills and confidence of people with disability, and improve their access to community and mainstream services.

Resource links:

The full suite of resources: